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South Dakota Discovery Center

South Dakota Discovery Center
Museums and Interpretive Centers
805 West Sioux Avenue
Pierre South Dakota 57501


Winter Hours (Sept 1 - Apr 30) Sunday - Friday : 1 pm - 5 pm Saturday: 10 am - 5 pm Summer Hours (May 1 - Aug 31) Monday - Saturday 10 am - 5 pm Sunday 1 pm - 5 pm
$5 per person, ages 2 and under free! Members free, AAA, senior and group (10 or more) discount, Member ASTC passport program
lat: 44.371909 long: -100.363557

Founded to encourage curiosity, the South Dakota Discovery Center is housed in the historic Pierre Power Plant, built in 1933, and has been at the heart of all-ages scientific exploration in the state for over thirty years. 

As the first institution of our kind in South Dakota, our mission has grown from introducing children and their families to science through our acclaimed exhibits hall to including the instruction of educators at all levels and enhancing scientific understanding through programing geared at inspiring creative minds and critical thinking in all ages. 

The Discovery Center is a core of our community, open to all visitors and users across South Dakota regardless of income, education, and ability. We are a nonprofit organization, recognized as a tax exempt educational agency by the South Dakota Department of Revenue, as well as an exempt 501(c)3 organization under the United State Internal Revenue Service. Through partnerships with organizations like United Way, EPA, the SD Space Grant Consortium, the SD Engineering Society, the BankWest Foundation, SD EPSCoR, USDA-NRCS, and donors and Friends of the Discovery Center we offer affordable access to programs and field experts in all matters of scientific study. 

The South Dakota Discovery Center is housed in a beautiful building with historic glass windows. Schools are welcome to arrange field trips to our exhibit hall and on-site programs, we also offer our space for special occasions and meetings rental, and our facility makes a great backdrop for photographs that celebrate your family or life occasions, like weddings or graduation. Please inquire about space availability for events at least six months in advance, and notify staff of your wish to take photographs or bring a group to our site at least one to two months prior to arrival, normal fees apply.

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