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Upper Missouri River Breaks Interpretive Center

Upper Missouri River Breaks Interpretive Center
Museums and Interpretive Centers
701 7th Street
Fort Benton Montana 59442


(406) 622-4000
lat: 47.8101713 long: -110.6729762

At the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument Interpretive Center, experience life in the Breaks with life size dioramas of woodhawks, bullwhackers, sturgeon, paddlefish, and big horn sheep. Learn about the Nez Perce crossing on their flight to freedom in 1877. Get a glimpse of the Meriwether Lewis’s ‘scenes of visionary enchantment’ in the White Cliffs. The 3-D map of the monument spans an entire wall!

The Missouri Break Interpretive Center is a partnership between the Bureau of Land Management, Fort Benton, and the River and Plains Society.
701 7th Street
Fort Benton, MT 59442
(406) 622-4000

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