The Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge offers access to some of the most remote and pristine lands in the Lower 48 States. The 1.1-million-acre refuge is home to elk, mule deer, and antelope as well as sage grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, mountain plovers, chestnut-collared longspurs, and prairie falcons.
Passing through on July 31, 1806, Lewis and his large detachment “fell in with a large herd of Elk” of which they took 15. They also killed 14 deer on this day. Today, the Slippery Ann Elk Viewing Area is at the west end of the refuge along the Auto Tour.
Activities include over-night camping, hunting, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, and biking. Be prepared for weather extremes, no water, and impassable roads when wet.
(406) 538-8706
James Kipp Campground, Winifred, MT, USA
Distance: 0.86 mi (straight line)
RV and Camping Outdoor Experiences
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American Prairie Antelope Creek Campground, DY Junction, MT, USA
Distance: 7.14 mi (straight line)
RV and Camping Outdoor Experiences Walks and Hikes
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Distance: 19.56 mi (straight line)
LC Features Outdoor Experiences Viewpoints RV and Camping Walks and Hikes
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Lookout Cave, Zortman, MT, USA
Distance: 20.35 mi (straight line)
General History Outdoor Experiences Walks and Hikes
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Miner's Club, Whitcomb Street, Zortman, MT, USA
Distance: 20.53 mi (straight line)
Zortman Motel & Garage, Whitcomb Street, Zortman, MT, USA
Distance: 20.56 mi (straight line)
W9V6+CG Hays, MT, USA
Distance: 21.23 mi (straight line)
Festivals and Events Tribal Experiences
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Camp Creek Campground, Zortman, MT, USA
Distance: 21.44 mi (straight line)
Outdoor Experiences RV and Camping Walks and Hikes
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Lodge Pole, MT, USA
Distance: 28.23 mi (straight line)
Festivals and Events Tribal Experiences
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Distance: 37.24 mi (straight line)
Outdoor Experiences Walks and Hikes
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Buffalo Camp, Malta, MT, USA
Distance: 42.70 mi (straight line)
RV and Camping Outdoor Experiences Walks and Hikes
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Distance: 43.99 mi (straight line)
Lodging Outdoor Experiences Viewpoints
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Judith Landing Campground, Big Sandy, MT, USA
Distance: 44.93 mi (straight line)
Central Montana Historical Msm, Northeast Main Street, Lewistown, MT, USA
Distance: 52.25 mi (straight line)
Museums and Interpretive Centers
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Lewistown Coffee Company, East Main Street, Lewistown, MT, USA
Distance: 52.49 mi (straight line)
Yogo Inn, East Main Street, Lewistown, MT, USA
Distance: 52.69 mi (straight line)
Rising Trout Cafe & Book Store, West Main Street, Lewistown, MT, USA
Distance: 52.90 mi (straight line)
302 W Main St Lewistown, MT 59457
Distance: 52.94 mi (straight line)
Museums and Interpretive Centers
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