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Captain Meriwether Lewis Dredge

Captain Meriwether Lewis Dredge


lat: 40.395195345046 long: -95.650384418246

A National Historic Landmark located inside one of Lewis and Clark’s landing sites, this dredge preserves a piece of Missouri River History.  The Captain Meriwether Lewis Dredge is one of the few surviving dredges that were built to reduce flooding and improve navigation on the river.  The Captain Meriwether Lewis was in service from 1932 to 1965.  On its journeys up and down the Missouri River, the dredge helped to make the waterway navigable.  Today, the dredge is dry-docked and meticulously preserved in Brownville, Nebraska.  Visitors can walk through the decks of the vessel to learn more about the navigational legacy of the region.  This unique museum of Missouri River History will ensure that you learn more about not only this remarkable vessel, but also about exploration and expansion in the west.

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