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Bee Hind Honey

Bee Hind Honey


All day every day
865.387.7379 / rkilgorerk15@gmail.com
Pet friendly, however there are working bees all around.
lat: 38.6820122 long: -84.5899426

Bee Hind Honey is a honey farm located just south of the Bone Lick Historic State Park. We specialize in raw, unpasteurized, pure honey, straight from the hive and only filtered through a 600, 400, and 200 micron filters. This is pure honey that has all the benefits that honey can provide. We are recognized by the state of Kentucky as a Kentucky Proud business.

We believe in helping with the survival of bees. Bees have been declining in massive numbers over the past view decades. Honeybees play a very important part in our food chain, Honeybees are an integral part of our food chain. These hard working insects pollinate more than 90 of the tastiest flowering crops, making them partially responsible for every third bite of food we eat! Bees, particularly honeybees, have bee around for millions of years and are responsible for pollinating over a third of our food supply and 90% of wild plants. The honey bee is so essential in crop pollination that some farmers “rent” them or have them shipped in to pollinate their crops in the spring.

It is said that if bees disappeared off the face of the earth man would only have four years left to live. This line is usually attributed to Albert Einstein, and it seems plausible that this could very will happen. Here at “Bee Hind” Honey we strive in providing the purest honey nature can provide. We also want to promote how valuable the honey bee is to mankind. So we are trying to do our part in helping save this magnificent creature.

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