Championship of Champions
Indian Relay Races
- Location: Central Wyoming Fair & Rodeo, Fairgrounds Road, Casper, WY, USA (View on Google Maps)
- Start Date: September 20, 2025
- End Date: September 21, 2025
The Championship of Champions Indian Relay Races held annually in Casper, Wyoming, stands as a testament to the rich tradition and exhilarating spectacle of Native American culture. This premier event, often featured on national platforms like “60 Minutes,” attracts top riders from across the country to compete in the adrenaline-fueled sport of Indian Relay Racing. Set against the backdrop of the Central Wyoming Fairgrounds, the races unfold on a half-mile circle track where teams of four warriors engage in multiple thrilling races, each involving lightning-fast horse exchanges. Rooted in the historical practices of Native American tribes, where quick horse exchanges were vital during hunts and battles, Indian Relay Racing has evolved into a modern-day extreme sport that demands impeccable teamwork, timing, and athleticism.
In this electrifying display of skill and tradition, spectators are treated to an unforgettable experience that goes beyond mere competition. The thundering hooves, the precision of the riders, and the vibrant atmosphere of the event create a sensory overload that must be witnessed firsthand to appreciate truly. As teams vie for victory in each race, they not only showcase their athletic prowess but also pay homage to the enduring spirit and heritage of Native American culture. The Championship of Champions Indian Relay Races serves as a poignant reminder of the resilience and traditions of Indigenous peoples, while also providing an exhilarating spectacle that captivates audiences and leaves a lasting impression on all who attend.