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Pirtle Winery

Pirtle Winery


(816) 640-5728
lat: 39.411499 long: -94.8986726

In July of 1978, Pirtle Winery was established in historic Weston, Missouri. Presently, we are a small, quality-oriented winery; this allows us to give a great deal of personal attention to our wines. We believe this attention to detail is why our award-winning wines can hold their own against others from the US and around the world.

Our winery building is in a former Lutheran Evangelical Church that was built by German immigrants in 1867. Wines are produced and bottled in our production building across the street. On the first floor of the building is our new indoor cellar with wine bar and plenty of seating. Our tasting room and gift shop are on the second floor, and an enchanting vine-covered wine garden is adjacent to the winery.

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